Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
We value family. It is one of our cultures at JPC and we firmly believe God wants to bring His kingdom through the restoration of His family! To us, this includes partnering with parents, as the primary spiritual leaders, in raising their children in the knowledge of God’s Word and in living by His Spirit. We believe that there is no Jr. Holy Spirit and that our children have the same capacity to experience the presence of God, to grow in relationship with Him, to walk in the knowledge of Him through learning the Word of God, and encountering His presence in their daily lives. We seek to create a culture where our kids are experiencing what heaven holds and bringing heaven to Earth. We want to do this in an environment where our kids feel loved, safe, special, known, and empowered.

Sunday Mornings
Children (toddlers through 5th grade) are released after worship. Parents will check them in and will receive a name tag for each child and an alphanumeric code to be shown when picking them up after service.
Join the Team
Have you ever heard the saying, “It takes a village to raise a family?” Children’s ministry is that village as well as a dedicated team who sees and understands the value that each child has and God’s heart for them. There are a combination of teachers, who spend time praying, preparing, and seeking God for how to best sow seeds in an interactive lesson, and teaching assistants, who partner in prayer and support, to guide the direction of the classroom to meet the goals of the time. Both positions are needed and both vary in commitment so contact us today if you have questions. This team has quarterly team meetings to build connection, celebrate classroom wins, and seek the Lord for His heart for our kids. This is because we value, love, and want to support our teachers too!