Incarnational Living

Posted: Oct 17th, 2017
Updated: Nov 29, 2018
Monthly Newsletter Article:
John 1:14 (Message translation) says, "The Word became flesh and blood and moved into the neighborhood. We saw the glory with our own eyes, the one of a kind glory, like Father, like Son, generous inside and out, true from start to finish."
God has been speaking to us recently about Jesus Pursuit Church as a community moving into the neighborhood and living incarnationally as Christ did in our city. We've been shifting our attention from being inside the 4 walls of the church to being the church everywhere we go.
Pastor Denny often says, "It was the Father's big dream to have a family that looks just like His Son Jesus". I whole heartedly agree with that statement. It is the Father's heart that His children (that's us) and His church (that's also us) would continue the mission of Jesus to reveal the Father everywhere we go.
I'm really excited for the future of Albany and our surrounding cities as we are awakened to the Father's big dream and we begin to passionately live it out. It is my prayer that we embrace the heart of the Savior and His example of "Moving into the neighborhood" and releasing the heart of the Father over this incredible community inside and outside the walls of our Jesus Pursuit Church family.
~Pastor Emily
Updated: Nov 29, 2018
Monthly Newsletter Article:
John 1:14 (Message translation) says, "The Word became flesh and blood and moved into the neighborhood. We saw the glory with our own eyes, the one of a kind glory, like Father, like Son, generous inside and out, true from start to finish."
God has been speaking to us recently about Jesus Pursuit Church as a community moving into the neighborhood and living incarnationally as Christ did in our city. We've been shifting our attention from being inside the 4 walls of the church to being the church everywhere we go.
Pastor Denny often says, "It was the Father's big dream to have a family that looks just like His Son Jesus". I whole heartedly agree with that statement. It is the Father's heart that His children (that's us) and His church (that's also us) would continue the mission of Jesus to reveal the Father everywhere we go.
I'm really excited for the future of Albany and our surrounding cities as we are awakened to the Father's big dream and we begin to passionately live it out. It is my prayer that we embrace the heart of the Savior and His example of "Moving into the neighborhood" and releasing the heart of the Father over this incredible community inside and outside the walls of our Jesus Pursuit Church family.
~Pastor Emily
Posted in Emily Tedrow, monthly newsletter
Posted in Emily tedrow, jesuspursuit, jpc, Albany OR, Oregon, Williamette Valley
Posted in Emily tedrow, jesuspursuit, jpc, Albany OR, Oregon, Williamette Valley
Incarnational LivingEmbrace Restoration and TransformationA Prayer for NowA New SeasonStructure is Meant to Serve the RelationshipLet Us Hear Your VoiceStaying True To Apostolic MissionA Divine Shift: Treasures Old and NewRediscovering DiscipleshipThe Value of PrayerTaking Time to CelebratePull Back and FocusQuestions to be AskingDefining Church FamilyImpossible PromisesJesus Is the Prince of PeaceGod is Building a Home
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