Rediscovering Discipleship

Rediscovering Discipleship
Original Post: December 4th, 2018
Monthly Newsletter Article:
Happy December Jesus Pursuit family!!!!
The Christmas season is so special to me and to so many of us. It’s the season where we gather with family, celebrate our Savior, and generously pour out love over one another. I pray you all experience the reality of Emmanuel, God with us as you walk into this wonderful time of year.
In my last letter I began sharing with my heart with you regarding two specific elements that I felt we were being called to rediscover. Prayer & Discipleship. I am starting my letter the same way this month as I did last month…
We are in such a critical time for our nation and for the global CHURCH. Good news is that we as the church individually and corporately, are also designed for influence and equipped to impact the world we live in.
Lately the Lord has been reminding me of two key elements that we need to rediscover, take a hold of, and never let go. They are fundamentals in the kingdom and therefore essentials in our lives.
I want to focus on DISCIPLESHIP for this newsletter.
In Matthew 28 Jesus again commissioned us, His church to “go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, TEACHING them to observe all the things that I have commanded you” and He promised that we wouldn’t be alone in this...that He would be with us.
Last month we talked about the importance to live out the cultures of the kingdom of God, to stand in the authority that He gave to us through prayer & intercession. That is part of the commission that Jesus gave to us. The rest of the commission is to TEACH others how to do the same thing and to raise up disciples of Jesus Christ.
This may seem like a daunting task, but my friends I tell you it’s not!!!!! It starts as simply as making a friend or throwing a good dinner party for people you are already in contact with. Out of relationship, out of pure friendship, sharing your life and them sharing theirs, you begin a conversation about what God has done in YOUR life, what Holy Spirit has been teach YOU! It starts as simply as sharing your testimony. Start with one person (the one you already really want to share with) the goodness of God with and see what develops from there.
In the coming months we will be doing various discipleship training sessions and giving tools to help ANYONE walk in the confidence to be someone who disciples others.
I want to challenge you with this last question. Who are you discipling and who is discipling you? Discipleship really looks like pulling people into family and sharing life with one another around who Jesus is in and through you. It’s simple and one of the most powerful experiences there is and it will truly change our city and our life at a time.
God bless you all. Have a very merry Christmas!!!!!!!!
Emily Tedrow
Monthly Newsletter Article:
Happy December Jesus Pursuit family!!!!
The Christmas season is so special to me and to so many of us. It’s the season where we gather with family, celebrate our Savior, and generously pour out love over one another. I pray you all experience the reality of Emmanuel, God with us as you walk into this wonderful time of year.
In my last letter I began sharing with my heart with you regarding two specific elements that I felt we were being called to rediscover. Prayer & Discipleship. I am starting my letter the same way this month as I did last month…
We are in such a critical time for our nation and for the global CHURCH. Good news is that we as the church individually and corporately, are also designed for influence and equipped to impact the world we live in.
Lately the Lord has been reminding me of two key elements that we need to rediscover, take a hold of, and never let go. They are fundamentals in the kingdom and therefore essentials in our lives.
I want to focus on DISCIPLESHIP for this newsletter.
In Matthew 28 Jesus again commissioned us, His church to “go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, TEACHING them to observe all the things that I have commanded you” and He promised that we wouldn’t be alone in this...that He would be with us.
Last month we talked about the importance to live out the cultures of the kingdom of God, to stand in the authority that He gave to us through prayer & intercession. That is part of the commission that Jesus gave to us. The rest of the commission is to TEACH others how to do the same thing and to raise up disciples of Jesus Christ.
This may seem like a daunting task, but my friends I tell you it’s not!!!!! It starts as simply as making a friend or throwing a good dinner party for people you are already in contact with. Out of relationship, out of pure friendship, sharing your life and them sharing theirs, you begin a conversation about what God has done in YOUR life, what Holy Spirit has been teach YOU! It starts as simply as sharing your testimony. Start with one person (the one you already really want to share with) the goodness of God with and see what develops from there.
In the coming months we will be doing various discipleship training sessions and giving tools to help ANYONE walk in the confidence to be someone who disciples others.
I want to challenge you with this last question. Who are you discipling and who is discipling you? Discipleship really looks like pulling people into family and sharing life with one another around who Jesus is in and through you. It’s simple and one of the most powerful experiences there is and it will truly change our city and our life at a time.
God bless you all. Have a very merry Christmas!!!!!!!!
Emily Tedrow
Posted in Emily Tedrow, monthly newsletter
Posted in newsletter, jpc, jesuspursuit, Albany OR, Oregon, Williamette Valley, Emily tedrow
Posted in newsletter, jpc, jesuspursuit, Albany OR, Oregon, Williamette Valley, Emily tedrow
Incarnational LivingEmbrace Restoration and TransformationA Prayer for NowA New SeasonStructure is Meant to Serve the RelationshipLet Us Hear Your VoiceStaying True To Apostolic MissionA Divine Shift: Treasures Old and NewRediscovering DiscipleshipThe Value of PrayerTaking Time to CelebratePull Back and FocusQuestions to be AskingDefining Church FamilyImpossible PromisesJesus Is the Prince of PeaceGod is Building a Home